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Visual Artist/College Teacher
觉艺术家,一直从事数字媒体艺术的创作实践,作品横跨多个领域,180Fulldome作品“微观世界”入选2020 Macon电影节球幕单元和法国360电影节。灯光秀作品《光明之城—City of Light》获2019深港城市/建筑双城双年展灯光表演三等奖。担任多部国家大型演出的多媒体视觉设计,2021年担任北京冬残奥开闭幕式多媒体设计,2019年担任第十一届少数民族传统体育运动会闭幕式海南8分钟多媒体设计。曾与上海杂技团,青岛歌舞剧院,晋中市晋剧艺术研究院,武汉艺术研究院、海口市演艺集团等机构合作并获得多个舞台视觉设计奖项。独立艺术电影入选多个国际影展,多次在纽约林肯中心展映。近期专注于立体投影、交互编程及XR内容的创作,创作线上虚拟现实剧场。主持开发“舞美动作数据库(DanceLab)” 获科技部备案的国家科技创新奖。“虚拟线上交互展演平台(TOT)”获2022TCDIG全球数字科技创意设计大赛银奖。北京舞蹈学院创意学院副教授,国家二级舞台美术设计,硕士生导师,澳门科技大学数字媒体博士,美国加州大学欧文分校访问学者,中国舞台美术学会会员,OISTAT国际剧场组织会员,深圳专家人才联合会新媒体公共艺术委员会委员,中国电影电视技术学会委员,中国人工智能学会会员,澳门国际青年智库理事、研究员,澳门博士智库委员,网络科技与智能媒体专业委员会委员,图壤创新阅读研究院特聘专家。
Wu Zhen, a multimedia artist, a projection designer, a short film director, and an illustrator. He was born in Zhen Jiang,Jiangsu Province,China,in 1982.He graduated from the School of Animation and Digital Art at Communication University of China in 2007. He visited to University of California, Irvine as an assistant researcher in 2010-2011. After graduation, he works as a multi-media designer at many multi-media dance performances and works as a video director at different products’ launch events in China, such as working with Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe, the Research Institute of Jin opera, and etc. Now he is multi-media designer of Opening and Closing Ceremony Beijing 2022 Paralympic Games. Since 2015, he has created many art videos. Some of them have been screened all of world such as at The Rose Theatre (London), Walter Reade Theater (New York), Konzert Theater Bern (Swiss), National Centre for the Performing Arts (China), and etc. Now he Focuses on 3D Mapping, Interactive Installation and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality (XR) exhibitions. His recent articles appear in HCI International 2019 Program(published by Springer). He is a associate professor at the College for Creative Studies at Beijing Dance Academy. He works and lives in Beijing.
吴振简介 (BIO)
Theater of Tomorrow—The Upcoming Performing Arts platform
2022年7月17日一、项目简介 “舞蹈数字动作库及分析系统[Dance Lab]V1.0”及线上版本为2020年北京市科技类课题“基于光学运动捕捉技术的舞蹈动作分析和实时渲染研究——以藏族舞蹈为例”成果。该课题为期三年(2021-2023),项目编号KM202010051001。项目负责人:吴振,北京舞蹈学院舞台美术系副教授。 2021年7月15日—7月23日,我们邀请西藏大学高原罗尔旦和桑嘎卓玛教授、非物质文化男子藏族热巴舞传承人索朗亚次到北京舞蹈学院运动捕捉实验室进行了藏族男子舞蹈动作的采集、捕捉、整理、分析、保存,并研发“舞蹈数字动作库及分析系统...2022年4月16日中国日报电子版:年5月21日导演阐述: 疫情改变了我们的生活,让我对微观世界产生兴趣,微观世界到底是什么样?人类怎样才能与它和平共处。参考了生物艺术,用数字艺术表现这个神秘的世界。参看其他球幕电影节采用VR线上观影的形式也会做成VR版本。 Covid-19have made me interested in the microcosm, what is the microcosm looks like? Howcan human beings live in Harmony with nature?Reference tobiological art, express this...
Copyright 2015